
This is a basic rant about – well, me just being curmudgeonly.


Written by Puzzlehead, in Rant

Have you ever had one of those days where you have a number of tabs open in your web browser because you need to make sure you get back to a particular page? And then, as you’re navigating your desktop, you start to click on the little icon that closes the browser and you realize […]

Poop. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

Written by Puzzlehead, in Entertainment, Rant

Halloween is almost upon us and it reminds me of the fact that I miss Thanksgiving. I don’t think that I was the first person to notice that Halloween decorations came out in August and Christmas gear came out in September. SEPTEMBER. Thanksgiving has been relegated to only one tiny corner in the Hallmark stores, […]

Kirsten Dunst in “Akihabara Majokko Princess” should be full of win…but it’s not

Written by Puzzlehead, in Entertainment, Rant

So, we finally have it: The McG directed video with Kirsten Dunst, Akihabara Majokko Princess. Warning, this may not be suitable for children and may be NSFW – there are 2D boobies drawn a lot of places: [flv]http://heyitcouldbeworse.com/media/Akihabara_Majokko_Princess_-__Kirsten_Dunst.flv[/flv] I lamented the fact that she was doing this a while ago Kirsten Dunst is REALLY trying […]

Pffft. You Know What You Can Do With Your VD…

Written by Puzzlehead, in Rant

Valentine’s Day. It seems so apropos that it’s initials are ‘VD’. I’ll never really understand why people celebrate this ‘holiday’. Is it to finally get the balls to express their love to someone, to celebrate a relationship that has stood the test of time or maybe to line the pockets of retailers pimping flowers, chocolates, […]

Safeway Either Wants Me To Shop Or Head To Vegas

Written by Puzzlehead, in Entertainment, Rant

I’m not exactly sure if this is a plug for the grocer Safeway or if I’m merely falling into a marketing person’s trap. For years we’ve been warned about the subliminal aspects of advertising and I never thought that I’d experience a Pavlovian moment until now. This commercial drives me nuts: [flv]http://heyitcouldbeworse.com/media/Safeway_USA__Commercial.flv[/flv] It seems fairly […]

Yeah, so…about that Facebook bra color thing…

Written by Puzzlehead, in Rant

I’ll start this off by saying that, sure, I can be an insensitive jerk sometimes. I know, I know. Please don’t stand there with your mouth agape and that look of shock in your eyes but it’s true. But, let’s look at something that happened on Facebook yesterday: Women were posting their bra color in […]

[Blog Warning! Adult Language!] Oh, Spam. Thanks For Mocking My Manhood.

Written by Puzzlehead, in Rant, Technology

I trap spam through my email using both Postini (the same tool used by Google) as well as Spam Assassin. Below is a list of the subjects of the messages which were trapped last night: Be the artist of love! Fill her up so tight Make a life-changing decision you will not regret, find out […]

Digital Intellectual Elitism (Or “How I Think Technology Increases My Awareness of Stupid People”)

Written by Puzzlehead, in Rant

I’m going to be crossing two different types of communication here so please, forgive me. I’m curmudgeonly. This is what we grouchy people who look up to Statler & Waldorf as role models do. For the tl;dr crowd: I want to poke people in the eye who speak and spell like shit online. My last […]

Can Politicians PLEASE Set A Good Example?

Written by Puzzlehead, in Rant

Waugh. My head hurts. According to the vitriol being spewed over the summer that’s enough reason for a Death Panel to pass judgement on me. HA! I’m 9 years past the “Logan’s Run” age limit to get to Carousel! [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WUUnc1M0TA[/youtube] Anyhow, this post isn’t about that. This post is about how my head hurts because […]

Kirsten Doesn’t – Attacking My Otaku Sensibilities Even Further

Written by Puzzlehead, in Entertainment, Rant

Waugh. After my last post about Kristen Dunst I was hoping that it was all just a bad dream. I mean, sailor uniforms, magical girl outfit, thigh-high striped stockings on the frame of a Hollywood starlet should make me giddy, right? Instead it made me feel conflicted. Then more images started to pop up (click […]

Almost Like A Poor Man’s “Cape Fear” Movie Theater Scene…

Written by Puzzlehead, in Rant

A conversation between me and Angela this morning… Me: you know, I really enjoy being a dick Angela: uh Angela: really? Me: oh, yeah Me: went to the coffee shop Me: was sitting there with my boss Me: talking. chit chatting. Me: there’s some event or some conference going on in the building Me: and […]

“You Feel Like You’re In Deep, Deep Shit”: The Playboy Lab Rat & Waterboarding

Written by Puzzlehead, in General, Rant

Oh, that Playboy. Remember when you would take the opportunity to steal a glance at your Dad’s copies? You know…to read the articles. It felt like you were entering a world that was kept secret by adults because, well, it was porn. Softcore porn, but porn nonetheless. You would start by carefully inspecting the cover […]

Tax Day Tea Baggers: These People Have The Balls To Do It, Too

Written by Puzzlehead, in General, Rant

Me: ok, so… Clare: So. Me: I’m reading the washington post Me: and they’re talking about ‘dumping a million bags of tea’ in one of the parks Me: let’s say they use Lipton tea Me: in boxes of 100 Me: that equates to 10,000 boxes of tea Me: right? Clare: Ok Me: if they don’t […]

Shaking Up My Online Life

Written by Puzzlehead, in Entertainment, Rant

Blech. Meh. Pffft. Whateva. This pretty much sums up my online apathy at the moment. Lately, I’ve been feeling the need to step back away from some of my online socializing. Before you ask I deleted SecondLife two weeks after I installed it. It seems that interacting with social networks and the interwebs in general […]

Cheating and the “Psycho Girlfriend”, Video by Reckless Tortuga

Written by Puzzlehead, in Rant, Relationships, TJNR

I suppose I don’t even know why I’m writing this post. It is quite possible because I’m annoyed with the following people People who cheat on their mate People who get caught cheating People who can’t think of the various methods of catching a cheater Let me preface this post by stating, right off the […]

How I Feel About My Wife At The Moment

Written by Puzzlehead, in Azrael, Family, Rant, Relationships

[myspace]http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=43874870[/myspace] Yeah, pretty much enough said.

Politically incorrect.

Written by Puzzlehead, in Rant

Ok, let’s see – all major political parties whittled down to their best candidates? Check. Debates have taken place? Check. Elections completed? Check. Historic inauguration and new president begins work? Done. With all that said and done and out of the way I can’t wait for…oh, I dunno…people to shut up about politics. We’ve been […]

MTv Makes a Music Video Site? Why Should I Be Impressed?

Written by Puzzlehead, in Entertainment, Rant

This morning I heard that MTv, a Viacom owned company, has recently created http://www.mtvmusic.com/, a site completely dedicated to music videos. After about a minute of thinking ‘Oh, that’s cool.’ I started thinking how ironic it is that I was amazed that create such a thing. Go figure. MTv put out a music video site. […]

Is it that time already? AARP notifications…

Written by Puzzlehead, in General, Rant

Thisi is a very quick update at just before 6:30am. Why? Because, for the life of me, if I don’t find the time to do this then I never will. I always used to think that only really old people were awake really early in the morning. It was funny because I thought that when […]

Oh, technology…do we have to break up?

Written by Puzzlehead, in Entertainment, General, Rant, Technology

I have been sitting here, in front of my computer, for most of the day. Oh, sure, I’ve driven to work and back and played with the dogs. But I am slave to my computer. My game systems. My iPhone. Anything with a glowing screen and buttons. It has come to a point where I’ve […]

Freaking out bad drivers…with politeness

Written by Puzzlehead, in General, Rant

Man, I hate driving. I mean, I REALLY hate driving. Driving from Sterling to Rosslyn/DC is no small feat, neither. As stated in a past post my commute is about an hour and a half each way. During rush hour. It comes as absolutely no surprise that during this period you’ll meet people that you […]

…and on to the Flip side of things…

Written by Puzzlehead, in General, Rant

I was sitting at my desk yesterday, trying to quietly doze off to my mid-morning nap (not to be confused with my planned siesta nor pre-departure slumber) when my co-worker, Matt, sends me an email with a link in it. I thought nothing of it since we try to keep each other in the loop […]

Sunday Night Writer’s Block

Written by Puzzlehead, in Entertainment, Rant, Work

Hey! Look at that! It is Sunday night and, lo and behold, I have writer’s block! Well, that’s sorta true and sorta untrue. I have a lot that I want to talk about but really no idea how I want to talk about it. Go figure, I’m at a loss for words. This is one […]

Trade Me: Kids, No Smoking in Restaurants and Sanity

Written by Puzzlehead, in Rant

Work with me here. I know some of you smoke. I’ll be honest – when I drink I occaissionally smoke maybe a cigarette, possibly a cigar. I also know some of you have kids. I know some of you even have kids who smoke (teens, not toddlers). I also know that those of you with […]

Television, Politics, & Racism

Written by Puzzlehead, in Entertainment, General, Rant

A blast from the past!

Sometimes I miss the days when the world wasn’t so politically correct. I am, quite possibly, over romanticizing those days. Even during the 1970’s people thought that “All in the Family” was pretty controversial.

WTF?? Driver Improvement Question

Written by Puzzlehead, in Rant

Ok, I got a Reckless Speeding ticket a while back. I’m not proud of it but, heck, gotta deal with it somehow, right? So I retained the services of a lawyer who told me that it would be beneficial if I took a Driver Improvement course. If I wanted to, I could take the online […]

I’m Sick. I’m Tired. I’m Sick & Tired.

Written by Puzzlehead, in Rant

I’ve been battling a cold for about the past week. Today was the ultimate suck. I could barely speak and I’ve been congested like nobody’s business. I have no energy. I want to sleep but I can’t. When night time comes around I finally fall asleep because I take Nyquil. Nyquil. The elixir that gives […]