Me: ok, so…
Clare: So.
Me: I’m reading the washington post
Me: and they’re talking about ‘dumping a million bags of tea’ in one of the parks
Me: let’s say they use Lipton tea
Me: in boxes of 100
Me: that equates to 10,000 boxes of tea
Me: right?
Clare: Ok
Me: if they don’t use a coupon
Me: a box of lipton tea in 100 ct. is about
Me: $5
Me: that’s a waste of $50k
Clare: No shit
Clare: Give it to meeeeeeee
Me: not to mention the man power and productivity being lost
Me: due to these freaks ‘protesting’
Me: and not going to their jobs
Clare: It just seems like a big ass waste. for no reason
Me: so all of these people who are protesting fiscal responsibility
Me: are wasting money
Me: by this stupid protest
Clare: Seems about right
Me: Tea bagging, indeed.
Clare: I cant believe the enviornmentalists arent all ina tizzy over it
Me: well, from the huffingtonpost comes this cute little quote:
Me: “Organizers told the Washington Post that the massive teabagging will happen on a tarp and that they will clean up after themselves.”
Me: Yeah. That’ll show ’em
Clare: way to stick it to the man
Me: It reminds me of the movie ‘Toy Story’
Me: Where Mrs. Potato Head tells Mr. Potato Head ‘Don’t forget your angry eyes!’