I’ve been battling a cold for about the past week. Today was the ultimate suck. I could barely speak and I’ve been congested like nobody’s business. I have no energy. I want to sleep but I can’t. When night time comes around I finally fall asleep because I take Nyquil.

Nyquil. The elixir that gives you some of the most messed up dreams.

I’m finally getting over it but, man, does this suck. I’m hoping that when I wake up tomorrow I’ll be fit as a fiddle. Ok. Maybe more like a cello. Or a bass. I’ll take anything rather than this crap. I’m tired of blowing what seems like oysters out my nose. Or inhaling and all of a sudden going **zzzznork!* and then having to spit. Blah.

Oh, yeah. I’m feeling sexy.

Please, oh, please, let me be healthier tomorrow.

Side note: Mom is coming by tomorrow morning to pick up Farley. She’s taking him home with her for company for the weekend. I want her to take him and I don’t want her to take him in the same breath. When she asked if she could take him I couldn’t say ‘no’. After Dad died she’s been looking for someone to keep her company. I told her ‘sure, he’ll be good company’. Then she asked if he’d climb into bed and sleep next to her. How could I say no??