We’ve been out of phone service for the past week. What’s worse is that they won’t be able to come and fix our landline until July 11th. That’s almost two weeks without a phone. Grrrrrrrrr… That really makes me want to strangle someone. We use that phone for faxes, phone calls, long distance calls, and because we live in an area where the reception on our cellphones can be sketchy at times.

Seriously. WTF? If anyone has tried to reach us using our landline phone number then they’re royally screwed. All they’ll get is a busy signal. All we hear is a disturbing humming noise.

As I write this I see that one of my neighbors is outside cleaning his car. I hate my neighbors. This guy is a freak sometimes and I really don’t like talking to him. Our new neighbors who are living next to us and renting piss me off, too. HAHA! YOU CAN’T PARK IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE! If you didn’t have that stupid ass Streamline camper in the driveway and 4 cars you wouldn’t have this problem. Morons.

I think this area is getting to me. Or maybe it is my lack of communicating with humans on a regular basis which is causing me to get all out of sorts. I’m starting to feel tired and useless and really, really crabby. I’m hoping they are just sympathy symptoms of ‘that time of the month’.

I’m really feeling down and depressed. I don’t know if I made the right decisions regarding my job(s) over the past few months. I think I need a vacation.