
Signs of aging – music in commercials

Written by Puzzlehead, in Entertainment, General

I don’t know if I’m getting more and more sensitive to getting older. Well, that’s a lie. I AM getting sensitive to it. One of the things that struck me as a sign of the impending Apocalypse was the use of music in commercials. You know that moment when you have a realization that ‘Oh, My God! I know that song! I love that song!’ and then it dawns on you that you love the music because it was played during your youth. That’s what I’m talking about. What’s worse is when the music becomes bastardized.

Dying Before “Your Time”

Written by Puzzlehead, in General, Work

Last week some of my former co-workers gave me a heads up that one of my former employees died of a heart attack. After I left the big corporate behemoth late last year, he departed for another contract. Even though he was shifted to my department and only worked for me for a few months, I still considered him ‘one of my own’. What can I say? It is the Mother Hen in me.

The Redskins. Wow. How intimidating.

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

I am all for professional sports. Hell, I’m good for almost any sport. I’m pretty sure that if I put my mind to it I would enjoy curling. Coming from the Washington, DC, area you have to realize the wealth of sports in the area. There are numerous teams and institutions that a person could root for. And that’s what this post is about. Rooting. Cheering. Especially during the Super Bowl.

I’m still alive. Lucky you.

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

I know I haven’t updated this in a while but things have been hectic and disheartening and amusing and everything in between. And my wife won’t get off my back because I was throwing up blood. Yeesh. Until an organ pops out, I don’t see any problem with it. I mean, I’m still concious, right? […]

New Year. Great. Off To The Elephant Graveyard.

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

New Year’s is right around the corner and that means that time is just flying by. Man. I must say that it has been an interesting year. Here are some highlights and lowlights:

Lights, please…

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

Christmas Eve. 6:18 in the morning. I’ve been awake for a bit and I’m tempted not to wake Angela to go shopping with me. I love this time of the year! I think I have some of the weirdest traditions, but who cares. This is the best. 🙂 Just so everyone doesn’t think that I’m […]

Working In The Coal Mines…

Written by Puzzlehead, in General, Work

Ahhhh! Today is Angela’s last day at the job she’s been at for the past 6 years or so. YAY!

Son of a bitch. Listen as my heart goes ‘boom’.

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

I got news today and I’m not sure how to take it. One of my girlfriends, we’ll call her “Lisa” to hide her identity, has a new man in her life.


Written by Puzzlehead, in General

I love this time of the year. Yes, yes…I’m a lech. So bite me. Anyhow, this is one of the few times of the year the high school and college bunnies are all out of school and out shopping in force.

Gastronomical distress: I have seen the enemy…with pickles

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

I am a marketing person’s dream. Especially when it comes to food. I’m not talking about your high class cuisine here – not caviar or cheeses whose name I can’t pronounce or nouveau cuisine. I’m talking good old junk food, fast food and anything that might come in weird packaging or colors. I swear this will somehow be the death of me. Death by shitty food. Great. So much for my ultimate dream of death by scantily clad bunnies.

A tisket, a tasket…

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

Here are some little tidbits that are mulling about in this cavernous wasteland I call a brain.

3 Things I Love/3 Things I Fear

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

3 Things I Love/3 Things I Fear. The title pretty much says it all, ass monkey.

So Much Time, Very Little Brain

Written by Puzzlehead, in General, Work

I started my new job yesterday and the difference between the 2 hour commute and the 5 minute commute is absolutely amazing.

Happy Horror Days!

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

In a fit of masochism, I went out on Black Friday – the day after Thanksgiving – at 5am to see what shopping what the shopping was like.

Happy Thanksgiving (you butt monkeys)

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

So, here it is. Thanksgiving is upon us and it is the American holiday where we give thanks. I’m not going to go into the historical aspects of it. If you want to know about the bountiful harvest or the giant robotic Turkey that almost destroyed Plymouth Rock but was defeated by the Pilgrims and Indians, then you’ll have to search elsewhere.

Happy Holidays, Mo-Fos…

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

Ah, yes. Tis this season to be…well. You decide what you want to be.

Elevator Action

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

I have to ride the elevator up numerous floors. Sometimes it is like Russian roulette – you ride alone or you ride with at least one other person. While taking this vertical journey I found my mind racing about numerous things with regards to the elevator

Michael: the Cliffs Notes update

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

Just catching up with interesting nuggets in my life.

I have a Metro girlfriend :)

Written by Puzzlehead, in General, Relationships

It is amazing how much headway you can make with women when they know you’re not trying to get into their pants.

Oh, yeah. I’m in shape.

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

So, yeah. I AM in shape. Of course, that shape just happens to be what is known as ’round’.

I need my own Sherpa.

Written by Puzzlehead, in General, Work

Oh, man. Today was the hallmark of my commuting journey. Let’s take a look at the chronology of it, shall we?

The Disadvantages of Member-ship

Written by Puzzlehead, in General, Sex

I like being a guy, really I do. You know all the perks with being a guy – scratching your ass, farting in public, and being a complete idiot is somewhat expected of you. This, my friends, is the Power of the Penis. All hail the Penis!

And the television horror just continues

Written by Puzzlehead, in General, Technology

So last night, Angela made me watch “Trading Spouses” on Fox. It was about a new age, hypnotherapist trading families with a religous nut job woman from Louisiana. Oh. My. God. Shoot me. I literally wanted to punch my television. All this hooha about ‘the dark side’ and ‘rebuke you in the name of the […]

Television – I hope you die.

Written by Puzzlehead, in Entertainment, General

There is so much bad television out there. Or maybe it is just the TV shows that Angela likes to watch. All I know is that I came home from work the other day to catch her watching the VH1 show “But Can They Sing?”, part of their Celebreality series. OH. MY. GOD. This show was horrible.

I. Am. Sore.

Written by Puzzlehead, in Entertainment, General

So, my paintball excursion came and went. We had close to 40 people show up and it was a darn good time.

Michael Inguillo’s HallowScream is tomorrow.

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

I picture tomorrow to first be like herding cats and then like the first scenes of ‘Saving Private Ryan’.

Doinking As Parents: Another Reason Not To Have Kids

Written by Puzzlehead, in Family, General, Sex

…To us, sex was taking my Superman doll and making him kiss my sister’s Barbie doll. We had an inkling, of course, because my sister would press them together tightly, facing each other, and say ‘Look! They’re in love making babies!’. I didn’t get it…