Since our podcast started, everyone has been telling us about Kate. This woman who has had everything happen to her. She’s had to deal with dead dad issues, mommy issues, brother issues, body issues, miscarriage issues… so many issues. And everyone has said we need to talk with her. Well, we finally got Kate to agree to talk with us. And the conversation was so good that we had to put it out as soon as it was done. COULD NOT WAIT. One more thing. If you haven’t gotten your tickets to our live shows in: St. Paul, MN – April 13 and April 14 San Francisco, CA – May 10 Seattle, WA – May 12 … you can go to and get all the details and save your seat.

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Author: American Public Media

You know how every day someone asks “how are you?” And even if you’re totally dying inside, you just say “fine,” so everyone can go about their day? This show is the opposite of that. Hosted by author (It’s Okay to Laugh (Crying Is Cool Too)) and notable widow (her words) Nora McInerny, this is a funny/sad/uncomfortable podcast about talking honestly about our pain, our awkwardness, and our humanness, which is not an actual word.