- I'm at Panera Bread (Sterling, VA) http://t.co/9NJOgB7D #
- Last night I dreamt I was being attacked by a bear & it had me pinned to the ground. This morning I awoke with Bunsen sleeping on me. #
- This sums up how I feel about @1067thefandc http://t.co/mhuktDAt #
- Supposed to go to the gym with Brian tonight. I wonder how easy it would be to get him to go to Five Guys instead… #
- I'm at Spunk Fitness (Sterling, VA) http://t.co/Cfvx3lQw #
- I'm at Zoe Salon and Spa (Fairfax, VA) http://t.co/7OS6MYTb #
- Here's hoping that next season SNL replaces Fred Armisen's Barack Obama with Jay Pharoah's. Pharoah's is exponentially better. #
- @oliviamunn No! Bad, Olivia! Bad! in reply to oliviamunn #
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