- I'm at Clyde's Willow Creek Farm (Ashburn, VA) w/ 3 others http://t.co/qkm8Zwq7 #
- I'm at Rubino's Pizza (Ashburn, VA) http://t.co/xxfM2SoG #
- Poking. Prodding. (@ Nova Medical Group) http://t.co/5pylKO4G #
- I just ousted @iamjessicamae as the mayor of Nova Medical Group on @foursquare! http://t.co/MhH4TRLM #
- Happy World Whiskey Day! I would especially like to thank my wife who thought my liver would fail before my heart did. #
- I don't want to cook. Let me watch someone else do it! (@ Otani) http://t.co/I58gDX0C #
- Because that's how I roll. Get it? Bowling? Roll? (@ 300 Shady Grove) http://t.co/plydIeWm #
- Yay! Shorts and sweatshirt weather! #
- Ironically, I don't think the juke box works. (@ Jukebox Diner w/ @inkblot) http://t.co/GjukykBI #
- I was sort of excited when I saw a restaurant offering "Lesbian Cuisine" until I realized it said "Lebanese" #
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