- Just loved Quietdrive – It's A Shame http://awe.sm/5OH38 on @hypem #
- Pew! Pew! #
- Must download Top Gear S17E1 and E2 when I get home. #
- Just loved ATR – BloodInMyEyes http://awe.sm/5ONtC on @hypem #
- Spent 10 minutes reading "The Three Little Pigs Pop Up Book" on my iPad to a random little blonde girl at Starbucks so her mom could talk. #
- @Tweekerchick calm yourself down by wrapping a towel around your head and keep repeating "[name of airline] is great. It is the bomb!" in reply to Tweekerchick #
- Ok, really…I keep trying to HATE Justin Timberlake but it's stuff like this that makes me like him: http://t.co/PDN5q7s #
- Was about to download and listen to an album called "100 Covers of Stairway to Heaven" then thought better of it. #
- It's cute: as my dog Farley has grown older and deaf he's no longer scared of the vacuum. #
- Angela and I are on a road trip to NC in the Benz, listening to Beyonce's Run The World (Girls) while I scream "GIRL POWER!" out the window #
- Evidently Angela likes her beats fast and her bass down low… #
- Land of the weird: on my way to Best Buy with my Father-in-law. He's driving…and listening to Lady Gaga. >.< #
- I'm at Wangs Bistro Chinese Buffet http://4sq.com/obppCZ #
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