- Marriage is – love, understanding, tolerance, friendship…and 6am landscaping with the she-devil you got hitched to. #
- Meatloaf sammich and fries! (@ Bernie's Deli) http://4sq.com/j7S4hs #
- 415pm, a billion degrees outside and a client wants to meet downtown. Blah. #
- Oh, joy! I have a meeting at DHS on Monday. I am going to get soooo lost. #
- I'm at Buffalo Wild Wings (21980 Colorado Dr, at Pacific Blvd, Sterling) http://4sq.com/iy2kf7 #
- Out with Brian eating dinner. Waitress asks,"So, do you guys want chocolate cake for dessert (no homo)?" We burst out laughing. #
- Hey, Bryanna Marshall! It was great meeting you tonight. You were absolutely hilarious 🙂 #
- Dr. Jack Kevorkian passed away. Of natural causes, no less. #
- Wonder if I should tell Justin that Jessica Chobot will have a new show on G4 starting June 14th… #
- Ha! Go figure! – I have a Tumblr account that I haven’t accessed in forever and a day. I guess I’ll post… http://tumblr.com/xme2tvujhv #
- I have no idea how I did it but I somehow lost my bag of Cheetos inside my house 🙁 #
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