- The new Beastie Boys, Hot Sauce Committee Pt. 2, album makes me feel like I'm in a video from the 70's that portrays someone on a drug trip #
- The problem with my wife and I having our birthdays one week apart is that no matter what she'll be younger than me. Never mind the 6 ye … #
- I am in ur networkz stealing your bandwidtz…again. (@ Mason Hall – George Mason University) http://4sq.com/mno7KG #
- I'm at The Melting Pot w/ @inkblot http://4sq.com/k8XXzw #
- Ack! My iTunes played The Associations 'Windy', the Classics IV 'Brandy' and then Looking Glass' 'Brandy'. #
- Escaped rental car Hell. We got a Mustang convertible rather than a Sebring. #
- Saturday, May 21st, beering it up at the Biergarten Haus downtown. You know it sounds tempting. Go ahead, give in and go with us! #
- Sitting at my hotel bar in Florida and having a drink with one of my oldest friends, Mike Hendricks. #
- I'm drinking an Old Pelican 🙂 (@ Seasons 52 w/ 4 others) [pic]: http://4sq.com/kG4Mr6 #
- I'm at Winter Park Civic Center (1050 W. Morse Blvd., btw Harper St. & Denning Dr., Winter Park) http://4sq.com/mJyCar #
- Aaaaaaaagh!!! Hillbilly wedding!!!! #
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