• Hmmm. Denny's Bacon Maple Sundae. #
  • @Tweekerchick I can live with that in reply to Tweekerchick #
  • @spencerwiggins I dunno. You're a little too masculine to wear one. #
  • I'm at MicroStrategy (1850 Towers Crescent Plaza, Vienna) http://4sq.com/hopsTM #
  • Larranaga mulling over coaching in Miami? Interesting if he bails from Mason. #
  • Doughnuts. They're what's for dinner. #
  • Scotch. It's what's for dinner. #
  • I'm at O'Faolain's Irish Pub w/ @inkblot http://4sq.com/eCdQ5A #
  • Coffee with my Coffee Mistress, Emily. Wonder if we can stretch this out to four hours. (@ Johnson Center w/ 2 others) http://4sq.com/hy4a94 #
  • I'm at Taste of Burma w/ @inkblot http://4sq.com/i0IQyN #
  • I have the movie "Hobo With A Shotgun" waiting on my harddrive for me this weekend. #
  • You know what people should chant during this Caps game? Beninati. Totally miss him during these national broadcasts. #
  • I suppose you could say that was the Semin-al moment of the game. #
  • Here's hoping the Sabres can pull out a win tomorrow! #

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