- I'm at IHOP (44030 Pipeline Plaza, Ashburn) http://4sq.com/gEiul4 #
- I love being able to control my FiOS television and DVR with my phone. #
- Apple iBooks, Google eBooks, Kindle reader…heck, i don't even like reading. I wish this would play out like the HD/blu-ray, VHS/Beta wars. #
- Fasting before a physical tomorrow & Inky brings me to the grocer >.< Hope to hear that I haven't had a sent heart attack recently #
- Yay. I get to schedule a trip to a cardiologist 😐 #
- @Inkblot Stress test 🙁 in reply to Inkblot #
- …and if you missed it I'm the one who sang, 'Just grab him in the biscuits.'. #
- This weekend I venture into the land of my friend Justin: I'm buying a second PS3. #
- Dear douchebag talking on the phone in his car via Bluetooth & sound system: it's kinda hilarious when your wife is bitching you out LOUDLY. #
- Great. Drupal 7 was just released – http://drupal.org/drupal-7.0 . Time to start writing up migration plans for some of my clients 🙁 #
- @hugejackedman Haha! I fat fingered it 🙂 I suppose it's more like "F-ME" in reply to hugejackedman #
- @hugejackedman I was at work and just shafted a browser with a bunch of stuff open and I was typing fast! in reply to hugejackedman #
- Just spent 2 hours debuggin a WordPress widget that I thought was truncating post titles. 2 hours mucking through php. Turns out it was CSS. #
- I made the mistake of reading the lyrics to several Katy Perry songs. I feel much, much dumber now. #
- I'm at Moby Dick House of Kabob (22000 Dulles Retail Plaza Suite 160, Sterling) http://4sq.com/fuLHG8 #
- I'm at NPR Headquarters (635 Massachusetts Ave NW, 7th, Washington) http://4sq.com/e43T8F #
- I'm at Warehouse Theater (1021 7th St NW, Washington) w/ 2 others http://4sq.com/gqdTUP #
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