- I had a dream that I went to a bar & had a $3400 tab and left a $900 tip. I think that's happened to me twice IRL & I was having flashbacks #
- I'm at IHOP (44030 Pipeline Plaza, Ashburn). http://4sq.com/6S5Ou9 #
- I'm at Giant Food – Ashburn Village (44110 Ashburn Shopping Plaza, Ashburn). http://4sq.com/86HsQ6 #
- Holy crap! They're already pimping Halloween candy! The children of our future will be toothless diabetics. #
- @spencerwiggins I thought Blockbuster was going bankrupt. That might help you make your decision. in reply to spencerwiggins #
- I'm half awake and I was trying to put my contacts in and wondering why it was so difficult. Oh. I have to take off my glasses first… #
- Looking for people to help me out with a limted 'usability test' on a website. email me – http://scr.im/mned – for the site & Word form #
- Oh, Turkey Hill Party Cake ice cream, I love you. #
- Sad. They closed the food court upstairs :/ I guess it's been a while, too. (@ Rosslyn Metro Station w/ 2 others) http://4sq.com/4Gm82L #
- I just unlocked the "Superstar" badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/c0UWFo #
- I'm at The Pentagon. http://4sq.com/a08POV #
- Visiting Dad. (@ Arlington National Cemetery Visitors Center w/ 2 others) http://4sq.com/duLMIZ #
- Whoa. Signs the strawberries in the fridge might be bad: they have more facial hair than I do. #
- Dear Diary: Today I witnessed the worst comb-over I've ever seen. It went from the man's left ear across his forehead. He had no other hair. #
- @kellyaquinn YOU CAVED AND GOT AN iPAD! I thought you were waiting for the Adam? in reply to kellyaquinn #
- Dropping off more of Cleo's left over food. There's no way I could walk in and look at the available animals. http://4sq.com/dA80m6 #
- I need a drink. #
- @shaluthebalu Ooh, la la! Lucky you! I'm taking Angela out there sometime this Fall. I have 1.5 more hours until cocktails 🙂 in reply to shaluthebalu #
- Oh. Dear. God. #
- Questioning the wisdom of going to karaoke night here with Andrew (@ Uno Chicago Grill) http://4sq.com/6RuNm9 #
- Signs that it was a good night: my throat feels like I was drinking gravel, not scotch and beer. Work will be lucky that I can't talk. #
- My hair hurts. #
- Surprisingly, Vietnam tastes like grilled pork. (@ Tastes Of Vietnam) http://4sq.com/dA07lC #
- Everyone should have their very own Tim Gunn to follow them around and give them advice. #
- Nice night for a drunken steak. (@ Sweetwater Tavern – Sterling) http://4sq.com/43MtmQ #
- Yoinks. Lots of Redskins at Sweetwater tonight. #
- Hanging out on the front porch drinking a McAllen 18, eating chocolate & smoking an Ashton Cabinet #7 w/Angela #
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