I’m writing this here to document what my mornings are like. Why? I don’t want to forget. This has been my routine, for the better part of the past decade. There are a few variations over the years (vacations, roster of pets, trips to the gym) but for the most part this has been my life. With my memory the way it is I don’t want to forget these times. I want to make sure that I can remember the faces, the feeling of contentment and happiness, the sense of fulfillment and calm. I never want to forget these times because you never know when it’ll all go ‘poof’ and disappear.
- Wake up and roll out of bed
- Step over a dog and a cat and throw on my bath robe
- Pet large dog who is sitting and watching me with a big smile on his face and tail wagging
- Walk to wife’s side of the bed and kiss her on the forehead
- Start walking down the stairs. This requires intermittent stops as the large Berner likes to halt and make sure he gets head scratches at least twice during this trip. Also, beware the two kittens who will rocket down the stairs
- Turn on the kitchen light and head to the back door
- Open the back door and look to see if there are any neighbors walking by
- Flip on the back porch light to act as a warning for my neighbors; let out the large dog to do his business
- Let the large dog in and give him a treat
- Walk into the office and grab toothpaste and toothbrush
- Step into the bathroom and take care of ‘business’.
- Brush teeth
- By this time the second dog will come downstairs and be sleeping in front of the bathroom
- Flip on hallway light and get a large blue tumbler of dog food
- Feed the dogs
- Go to the animal medicine cabinet and grab cat treats. Treat the cats.
- Back to the cabinet and prepare dog meds.
- When dogs are finished eating I let them outside to do their business
- Let the dogs back into the house and give them their meds
- Disregard the cat screaming at me to feed her
- Go up the stairs and into the guest bathroom
- Feed the cats their wet food
- Clean the litter box
- Keep the lights off and go into the bedroom. Kiss wife on the forehead again.
- Go downstairs and wash out wet cat food tin
- Take my own meds
- Do chores, work or exercise until 6am
- 6am means head up to shower and get ready for work. (The following was updated after my initial post. I was gently reminded of it after my shower this morning) I should note that after I take my shower two events take place:
- Upon exiting the shower my Golden Retreiver, Jinx, likes to help me be clean by licking my right leg. I used to get mad but I pretty much just gave up and it is part of our routine. She sleeps in front of the bathroom and waits for me to walk out
- After I apply my deodorant, clean my ears and put in my contact lenses I pick up a cat like a baby and walk around the bedroom with it. When that cat is done I pick up the other cat and do the same thing. Each time we walk around enjoying the ride and the sights.
- 6:45 out the door and a productive member of society