First things first: Go to Pangia Fallen and donate to Moose. The poor pooch has a broken leg. Why should you donate? He makes my dogs tired and happy by running around my backyard. With one wheel broken, he’s a little too easy to catch. So go. Give a little something so that my dog’s plaything can get better. Those of you who are dog owners know exactly what I mean. And those of you who aren’t can donate out of the kindness of your heart.
On to the usual blather…
Have you ever had one of those days where you really wanted to talk about something but you just plain forgot what it was? Perhaps a little nugget of information that tweaked your interest that you thought would make for decent conversation that suddenly went ‘poof’ in your head. That happens to me a lot. In fact, that’s happening to me now!
I could have sworn that there was something that I wanted to talk about today. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like my brain feels like cooperating. Could it have been Britney Spears being trailer trash? I dunno. The middle child from ‘Full House’ being a meth fiend? Maybe. Perhaps it was how funny I thought Shopping With A Stormtrooper was. Oh, this is just starting to drive me batty. I think I’m going to resign myself to try pry whatever is up there loose. This could probably be successfully done by inserting a sharpened pencil up my nose and jiggling it around.
Fox 5 News in the morning still gives me mixed feelings. Why?
- I like Allison Seymore a heck of a lot better than the current morning anchor chick who’s name I can’t spell worth a damn
- Holly Morris is horrible. If there was any way possible, I would replace her with Zack Morris.
- Tony Perkins is a weather man. Why in the world do they keep sending him out and about? For the love of humanity, just give me my friggin’ weather. You’re wasting my time.
- Michelle Sigona still gives me the warm fuzzies. They don’t call you the Sky Fox for nothin’. Meow!
Ok. I’m off to bed. It is 4:15am and the dogs don’t even want to be awake with me anymore.
“I’m Puss…in boots!”