First things first: Go to Pangia Fallen and donate to Moose. The poor pooch has a broken leg. Why should you donate? He makes my dogs tired and happy by running around my backyard. With one wheel broken, he’s a little too easy to catch. So go. Give a little something so that my dog’s plaything can get better. Those of you who are dog owners know exactly what I mean. And those of you who aren’t can donate out of the kindness of your heart.

On to the usual blather…

This weekend is the Super Bowl. Yeah, yeah. Who cares. I could give a rat’s ass less about the Seattle Seahawks vs. the Pittsburgh Steelers. I’m interested in the commercials. I will sit and watch them and do something else while the game is on. So far I’ve seen some previews of the commercials and, to be honest, I miss the days of the dotcom boom when there were very creative and daring commercials. One of my favorites was the E-Trade commercial where they just had two guys sitting in a garage entrance and a monkey hopping up and down, smiling. Their tag line was something along the lines of “We spent $2M dollars on this”. I miss those days of outlandish commercials that took creative chances.

Stupid Janet Jackson. Way to ruin the entertainment industry. You and you’re stupid fake boobage.

This year I’ve seen a few of the commercials that will be coming out. Jessica Simpson hawking Pizza Hut Cheesy Bites? Ugh. Horrible. I hate to say it but she’s starting to show her age in the entertainment industry. Luckily, the monkies in the office are back to hopefully bring back some humor. The GoDaddy chick is back, but unfortunately the only place that you can see these commercials is on the web since ABC has rejected airing them (which, when you think about it, is almost as good as airing them). As always I’m looking forward to whatever Budweiser can come up with, as well as Coke and Pepsi. The Muppets are now corporate whores for Ford. Ever since Jim Henson died they’ve pretty much sold their souls.

Now, whether I actually buy these products or not based on the commercials is completely beyond me. I would hope that my buying habits of razors wouldn’t be swayed by Fabio shilling for the Gilette Fusion. Then again, I am also a slave to the creative aspects of marketing. I’m a marketing person’s dream.

I think I’ll go have my Budweiser and Pepsi now while I shave and buy a domain online. I wonder if Angela would protest if we got a window washer for our house…