Lord, please help me. I’m suffering from H.I.T. – Hair In Transition. You know what I’m talking about. It is that point where your hair is in between being long and short and you just don’t know what direction you want it to go. Oh, and for all you guys out there who say that this topic is somewhat fey, you can suck my ass. You know you’ve fallen into this predicament before.
So, here i sit with my hair in Perdition. It is getting pretty long in the back, in the front and on the sides. Dare I say that I am creeping dangerously close to a mullet? Egad! What the heck do I do? I wouldn’t mind having longer hair, but I’m also somewhat happy with the low maintenance of short hair. I get the feeling that if I cut my hair now I’ll be kicking myself.
What’s worse is when your hair plays tricks with your mind. You get so wrapped up in it being in the gangly, unmanageable stage and then all of a sudden, for a few days, it looks great! You feel like saying, “Hey, this isn’t so bad! Maybe I could grow it out just a little longer and keep this style.” And then your hair turns on you. After 3-4 days of looking and feeling good it suddenly reverts to being a train wreck on your scalp.
I’m going to at least try and stick it out until next week to see how things turn out. If I’m lucky I’ll be able to wait until the lambs get shorn for their spring wool…
You. Are. A. Woman.
But I love you anyways, sweetheart.
Let it grow long! I like men who have their hair a little long. It is fun to run your fingers through it!
*sigh* and with THAT comment dear one, thank you for the next 5 years of him refusing to cut his hair. I’ll go buy scrunchies now so that I can at least tie back the front while he eats.
So when are you going to go out and buy a skirt, young lady?
Damn hippie!!
Today was horrible. I actually liked the way I looked. Couple that with a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a smart looking sweater vest and I felt pretty good about my ‘do.
Someone please shoot me.
What Liz Said Hee hee