- I want to cut off the feet of every man that I see who wears athletic socks with dress shoes. #
- Doh! (@ The Pentagon w/ 5 others) http://t.co/vUbsVcI0 #
- I'm at Nationals Park (Washington, DC) w/ 39 others http://t.co/vLyO6k3E #
- I just unlocked the "Triple Play" badge on @foursquare for checking in at baseball stadiums! Juuust a bit outside. http://t.co/nPtniaF7 #
- I'm at The Ugly Mug (Washington, DC) http://t.co/9ePhNjjm #
- @PecanCtMichael hey, buddy…you doing ok? in reply to PecanCtMichael #
- @PecanCtMichael Ah! I know how you feel. I'm the same way & getting it under control. More exercise with your boys & diet tweaks 🙂 in reply to PecanCtMichael #
- At work & my colleague sees my phone & picks it up & unplugs it to look at it. Unfortunately, it was right while it was being sync'ed. #
- It's both cool and depressing that I can still out drink kids in their 20's…and 30's…and my peers. So, this is what old age is like. #
- @jinxcellent Those are AWESOME. in reply to jinxcellent #
- For @Boomskull – Jason Werth should now be your favorite Nats troll – http://t.co/rubcky0V #
- Little Mix' "Wings" is a guilty pleasure 🙁 Ugh. I think my mind is turning to mush. #
- Sure hope this frutti doesn't make my butt go tutti during the movie we're going to… (@ Tutti Frutti) http://t.co/9kG7HzfL #
- I'm at Regal Countryside Stadium 20 for Hotel Transylvania (Sterling, VA) w/ 3 others http://t.co/h2Ij789q #
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