- @Tweekerchick Maybe he was RoboCop-A-Feel. in reply to Tweekerchick #
- Dear Congress, Thanks a lot you douchebags. #
- @arielwaldman re: your post to Reddit – you might want to xpost across a few other subreddits to get more visibility. in reply to arielwaldman #
- @arielwaldman Word, yo. Oh, and an upvote for you in reply to arielwaldman #
- @arielwaldman btw, possibly r/space would be a good place, too. in reply to arielwaldman #
- Ooooh, maybe we can also resurrect Clara Peller for 'Where's the beef?' – http://t.co/kyc73Ik #
- Happy hour tomorrow night: http://t.co/jHCaxHl Actually, right now it's just me and two people. But I'll be happy. At least for an hour #
- New project in my lap: any one have any experience with the Velocity template engine? #
- Ugh. I despise C# programming. #
- I'm here drinking scotch waiting for an older man and a woman with pink hair…because that's how I roll. http://4sq.com/o750zl #
- When boozing with your hair stylist never say "oooooh! Put color me badd on the sports bar's juke box!" why? Because she'll do it. #
- Sorry, Frenchie: Jack Daniels Honey is AWESOME. #
- Son of a….it was one of THOSE nights #
- @Tweekerchick HAHAHA! Your tweet flashed by on my phone and I thought it said your 'penis' instead of 'pms' in reply to Tweekerchick #
- Wow. Researchers at MIT have developed technology that may someday cure the common cold, influenza and other ailments. http://t.co/TNQ8Rc5 #
- Paramore: The Only Exception – http://t.co/hhmd3WF via @youtube #
- New Order – Regret http://t.co/7VZYqwb via @youtube – Just wait till tomorrow, I guess that's what they all say, Just before they fall apart #
- All I know is that to me You look like you're havin' fun Open up your lovin' arms Watch out, here I come #
- @spencerwiggins Dude, tilt head back and then put drop in the corner of your eye near your nose. Drop will just ooze over your eye. in reply to spencerwiggins #
- Burma tastes coconutty… (@ Taste of Burma) http://t.co/RBFcDZn #
- Rick Perry wants to run for POTUS? The same douche who wanted to disrupt the Union by advocating that Texas secede from the States? F him. #
- I'm at Mercedes Benz of Chantilly (14841 Stonecroft Center Ct, Chantilly) http://t.co/UBolwep #
- I'm at Tarara Winery (13648 Tarara Lane, Leesburg) w/ 5 others http://t.co/bfYbkcN #
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