It's Worse. I'm Blabbering.

It's like being stuck in an elevator with a very annoying person.

I Think I Should Start Up Again

Written by Puzzlehead, in Depression, featured post

I know, I know. I keep saying this – “Let’s write for our blog again!” and “I’m going to put this on a schedule!” and then I wind up completely forgetting about it or I get complacent and ignore it. This time, though, I feel like I’ve gotten to a point in my life where […]

Happy New Year, 2019! 2018 – You Can Kiss My Butt.

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

This has been part of my New Year’s Resolution: Updating this on a more regular basis. I know, I know – I said once a week at the end of November. The problem with that is that it was the holidays. New Year, New You, right?

Creeping up on the end of 2018…

Written by Puzzlehead, in Entertainment, Featured Articles, featured post, Mental Health

Good gravy, i haven’t posted or forever. It’s the end of November and I have decided that I’d like to resurrect my blog – make it mine again and make this extension of myself alive again. Make it a part of me again. As such, I’m going to dedicate the time to post at least […]

When Unemployment Causes You To Fantasize About Entrepreneurship

Written by Puzzlehead, in Business, Entertainment

You know, there are a lot of things that go on in your head when you’re unemployed and the rug has been pulled out from under you. I’m currently going through a really bad stretch (I guess you could say that, yes, it did get worse?!) and I’ve been contemplating my next steps. As I’ve […]

A Lot Has Happened…

Written by Puzzlehead, in Relationships

Hello, dear readers. I haven’t been around much because, go and figure, Things Got Worse. I’ll be using this as my platform in the upcoming months to go through much of this stuff. Hopefully, you’ll get something out of it. There will probably be a number of you that I alienate or who will think […]

To All The People I Drunk Text Last Night…

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

…I lied. I wasn’t really drunk. Well, I was buzzing. I still have a really high tolerance to alcohol. REALLY high. My friends Andrew, Mika and I went out last night, April 3rd, and I absolutely needed to go out for some drinks. Unbeknownst to Andrew I needed something to cut the edge off all […]

Last Night I Finally Fell Asleep Smiling

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

Today is the first day in a long while where I’ve been able to write. Why? I have time to burn as I take the train to work. My last two excursions driving into DC were excruciating exercises in anger management mixed with bouts of serenading my fellow traffic jam brethren with my renditions of […]

The Results Are In: F* January

Written by Puzzlehead, in Family, Farley

I’m going to give the tl;dr (too long; didn’t read) first for everyone before I get into this post so that if you want to stop reading you’ll at least get the gist of what I’m going through. So far, the month of January – spanning the past decade or so – has decidedly delivered […]

Using Halloween To Figure Out What Kind of Person I Am

Written by Puzzlehead, in Entertainment, Food, Relationships

If you ask people to describe me it sometimes seems like two completely different people are being described. Some people think I’m always crabby or angry and that I don’t like anything; others would say that I’m always happy, kind and generous. It really isn’t hard to see why some people would find me aloof, […]

One Lonely Journey Towards Responsible Drinking

Written by Puzzlehead, in Food

I enjoy alcoholic beverages. A lot. In fact, you could say that I love to drink. And when I say ‘love to drink’ that should be read in capital, bold letters like “L-O-V-E to drink”. But I also have had to recently dig deep within myself and admit that I had a drinking problem. Before […]

Who needs your lyrics anyways? I’ll make up my own.

Written by Puzzlehead, in Entertainment, General

Let me preface this by stating that, yes, I’m getting older, my memory is fading and I’m probably slowly losing my hearing. All the things that make me attractive to the opposite sex, no? Let me also toss out there that I am absolutely terrible with remembering song lyrics. More often than not if I’m […]

This is my morning.

Written by Puzzlehead, in Family, Relationships

I’m writing this here to document what my mornings are like. Why? I don’t want to forget. This has been my routine, for the better part of the past decade. There are a few variations over the years (vacations, roster of pets, trips to the gym) but for the most part this has been my […]


Written by Puzzlehead, in Entertainment

Oh, man. There are few things that drive me bonkers than those online quizzes that people take on Facebook. It isn’t the fact that someone is smarter than me, is a better Star Wars character or would be in a better clan in Game of Thrones. It is the one simple fact that I DON’T […]

Let’s try this again.

Written by Puzzlehead, in Entertainment

2014 has rolled around and I, for one, was completely ill prepared for it. Time is rushing by just like…um…some really trite metaphor for the quick passage of time. Hmmm. I think you can see why I haven’t updated this site for a while. My creative juices have evaporated to the point where all that’s […]

I Cried All The Way Home

Written by Puzzlehead, in Dad, Relationships

By reading the title of this post one would think that I’m one of this little piggies but, alas, I am not. Let me also preface this post by stating that Angela and I have two completely different views of making things public. While she is more reserved and private I’m willing to let people […]

It’s my ‘birthday’ but my heart’s still broken

Written by Puzzlehead, in Farley, Relationships

It was one year ago today that I had my operation related to my heart attack. For all intents and purposes I consider today an unofficial ‘birthday’ because I’ve been given a second chance at life. During that year I’ve been able to reflect on what’s important to me, do things I normally wouldn’t and […]

We’re On A Train To Nowhere – Part 2

Written by Puzzlehead, in Entertainment

Part 1 of this post from a few months ago can be found here. You know, because it takes 3 months for me to get my train of thought back. Train of thought, get it? I’m still working in downtown DC and I’m still taking the train. This form of mass transit is one of […]

Merry Christmas. I’m a horrible person.

Written by Puzzlehead, in Business, Relationships

I’m sitting here in my bath robe, 3:30 in the afternoon, sick with whatever horrible horribleness this stupid weather has brought us. I’m a disgusting blob of spittle and snot, coughing and sneezing and annoying the crap out of my pets. They all huddle at the corner of the couch careful not to get too […]

Happy Birthday, Farley!

Written by Puzzlehead, in Farley

My best friend is also the closest thing to being my son. It’s my dog, Farley. Today he celebrates his 15th birthday. Some people would equate that to being approximately 105 human years but he’ll always simply be a puppy to me. If I was still in contact with my ex-wife (and if she didn’t […]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-10-14

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

Breakfast with Angela AND Amy! (@ IHOP) # LET'S GO NATS!!! # It was everything you thought it would be. @jinxcellent – bought the Ashley bagel. Will post pics on FB tomorrow. Will take Tums tonight. # On goes the heat… # Bad idea of the day: thinking my cat wants me to carry […]

A Peanut Butter ‘n ‘Nana Sammich

Written by Puzzlehead, in Food, General

The other day Angela and I were about to bound into IHOP when we realized that there was no way in Hell that we were going to wait for 30 minutes for some pancakes. Instead of hanging out with the mass of people gathering at the door we decided that we’d try something different by […]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-10-07

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

8am and I crave mashed potatoes # If anyone is interested: Happy Hour Thursday at The Hamilton 🙂 # I'm at Noodles & Company (Sterling, VA) # I forgot today's baseball game was an afternoon game! Rats! # Anyone going to Taste of DC this weekend? # For the fourth time in two weeks […]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-09-30

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

I want to cut off the feet of every man that I see who wears athletic socks with dress shoes. # Doh! (@ The Pentagon w/ 5 others) # I'm at Nationals Park (Washington, DC) w/ 39 others # I just unlocked the "Triple Play" badge on @foursquare for checking in at baseball […]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-09-23

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

I'm at Panera Bread (North Huntingdon, PA) # I just reached Level 2 of the "Mall Rat" badge on @foursquare. I’ve checked in at 5 different malls! # I am the only person of color that I've seen at this Target. (@ Target) # I've started watching The New Normal not for […]

We’re On A Train To Nowhere

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

Many of my friends have questioned my sanity when I took a new job in downtown DC again. I mean, sure, I could have kept driving to Rockville and took advantage of the occasional 2 hour drive home to catch up on my zen meditation but the magic and allure of traveling into the city […]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-09-16

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

This is fantastic weather to be out grilling 🙂 # Salad! (@ O'Faolain's Irish Pub) # I'm at Virginia Heart (Leesburg, VA) # I'm having one of THOSE commuting mornings. Maybe #wmata should have renamed their rush hour service Crush+ # Great. New iPhone has an 1136×640 display. Something else to bang my […]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-09-09

Written by Puzzlehead, in General

Don't ask. Breakfast with Amy. (@ IHOP) # Wow. Ashburn is getting a Lotte. Now you'll know where to get weird Asian foods # I'm at Spunk Fitness (Sterling, VA) # Oh, traffic. You're such a bitch. # Sometimes when I'm on a metro train I look at all the people and suddenly […]