Scruff McGruff - Chicago, Illinois 60652

Scruff McGruff – Chicago, Illinois 60652

When Angela and I went to the Spy Museum a few weekends ago we mulled around downtown DC for a bit as well. After lunch at the DC Chophouse, we decided to head home. As we were walking back to the parking garage we passed the ‘Crime & Punishment Museum’.

The Crime & Punishment Museum is geared towards enlightening the masses on the work that police people do. As we passed by the museum shop’s storefront I noticed it: the perfect t-shirt for both the Public Service Announcement crowd extolling the evils of drug use AND for the numerous sad sacks in the IT world who are unfortunate enought to have the following technical and customer service oriented positions –

  • Help Desk
  • System Administrators
  • Software Developers
  • Network Administrators
  • Anyone who has to deal with the moron who thinks their computer is broken when, in fact, they haven’t turned on their monitor.

Oh, Scruff. You know both industries soooo well. Users are losers indeed.