Logistics, logistics. Angela and I are mulling over relocation alternatives should one of us land a job in North Carolina. Right now, I’m probably closer than she is to landing a job there what with the numerous nibbles on my resume and the various interviews I’ve been to. Since I’ve had the joy of going to several interviews in the Reasearch Triangle area, I’ve been able to make a one way trip two and from that area in about 4.5 to 5 hours. Not too shabby. That would mean that I could drive to work early on a Monday morning and stay in North Carolina until Friday night when I would make my way back to Virginia.

Commuting. From NC to VA. That can be painful.

I used to do a long drive like that when my dad was sick. I would leave Northern Virginia to go to Virginia Beach early Monday morning and then I would come back Friday evening. After a while it can take its toll. But, let’s look at the alternatives:

Cost: varies due to trip time and possible lay overs. Non-stop, round trip fare is about $450
Pro: It isn’t driving. Total time for the $450 deal is about an hour and a half.
Cons: That hour and a half is flight time. Getting in and out of the airport and all the security checks is another thing all together. $450 is pretty steep to pay on a weekly basis.

Cost: approximately $40 for a one way ticket; $80 round trip
Pro: Fairly cheap. I hear there’s a ‘Snack Car’. I’m not driving.
Con: Leaves Union Station in the late morning or in the middle of the afternoon. Total trip time is about 6 hours.

Cost: Gas would be about $35 to fill the tank during transit. This is normally done once during the trip.
Pro: Cheap. Road trip food. Enjoying the comforts of something I know.
Cons: Wear and tear on the car. Road trip food. I get sleepy and a 5 hour drive after work would require at least one rest stop nap – and I fear I would wake up to George Michael knocking on my window.

Any suggestions? Next post: The Housing Issue!