I’ve held several different jobs over the years. Here’s a good sample of the jobs I’ve had:

  • paper boy
  • banquet staff
  • begging for money for a non-profit
  • telemarketer
  • administrative assistant
  • procurement analyst
  • drafter
  • graphic designer
  • web designer
  • internet weenie
  • manager of internet weenies
  • dog walker

For all intents and purposes, it’s been a wild ride. I’ve seen a lot over the past 27 years that I’ve been working (yes, I had a paper route when I was 12). But there have been three things that have always rattled in my pea sized brain:

  1. what is it like doing someone else’s job?
  2. is this it or is there more?
  3. are we having fun?

All three of these questions are intertwined. When I was younger I wanted to take over the world. Remember the book ‘Bonfire of the Vanities’? I aspired to be a Master of the Universe. I came pretty close a couple of times, too. But that last question always nibbled at my brain: are we having fun? Notice I didn’t say ‘Am I having fun?’. This is because I’m a firm believer in harmonious group dynamics. If I’m having fun then I want the people around me to have fun. If we’re all having fun then could it really be considered ‘work’? Although being a Master of the Universe would have been nifty I found that it made me, well, let’s just be honest and blunt here, a dick.

Anyhow, I’m rambling. When we were younger we were told ‘You can be anything you want to be’. As I got older I realized that wasn’t necessarily true. I discovered that it was more along the lines of ‘I can accomplish almost anything if I work hard and if I’m determined to succeed.’ There’s a slight difference in the two. The first is filled with optimistic naivety, the latter is more realistic and pragmatic.

For almost three decades I’ve had to deal with client/customer needs and demands. I’ve come to accept that I’m good at it. I can direct people, churn out pretty good work and play Jedi mind tricks on people. I’ve learned to read situations and people, to think both strategically and tactically in the professional world. I’ve learned to help people enjoy their work and their colleagues.

So, is it too late to consider a different line of work? Of course not. Remember? I can do almost anything. Lucky for me that I stumbled onto the above video. I didn’t even know that a Model Masseuse position even existed!