• Breakfast with the pidgeons. (@ Duffy Square / TKTS) http://t.co/AKOi35Tx #
  • In the future, while riding the train, I'm going to ride in the Quiet Car. #
  • Moment of awkwardness: Explaining to my co-worker how and why many people use http://t.co/ocWoui8T #
  • Rats. FIFA 12 or Gears of War 3… #
  • Oh, Reese's peanut butter cup…I love you. #
  • Traffic is backed up so far today that I'm only 4 miles from my house. Stuck. Shaking my fist at the world. #
  • Being all Asian-y today… (@ China Bistro) http://t.co/1AhQYXmh #
  • Finding it difficult trying to explain slang to my French co-worker. Today's phrase: helmet party. #
  • Here's something to help you drink with me: http://t.co/YkcbToHR #

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