• I don't think my cat, Cleo, is going to be with me much longer. I'm waiting for Angela to come home so we can make some hard decisions. #
  • I just said my final goodbye to my little cat, Cleo. #
  • Well, that went well… (@ U.S. Department of Commerce) http://4sq.com/7uoxZG #
  • Lunch with some friends (@ The National Press Club w/ 2 others) http://4sq.com/79ttud #
  • If it didn't rain my truck would never get washed. #
  • Here's hoping all this rain washes away the urine smell from downtown DC. #
  • Out helping the economy again. Yay! Shopping! (@ Coach) http://4sq.com/9ZaThz #
  • Gap Offers 25% Discount for Foursquare Checkins: http://mashable.com/2010/08/14/foursquare-gap/ #

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