• In honor of Independence Day I'm about to watch new episodes of the BBC's 'The IT Crowd' and 'Top Gear'. #
  • How is it my wife is the only person I know who can have a cooked shrimp explode in her face and all over me? #
  • 100 degrees outside. 68 degrees in my office. Theoretically it should be raining somewhere near the elevators in my building. #
  • 102 degrees. This blows. I almost miss the blizzard. #
  • One day I want to see someone in a World Cup match either wind up their fist and clock somebody or give 'em an American football tackle. #
  • Huzzah. 103 degrees. #
  • With all the crappy hoopla about this NBA free agency is it wrong that I hope LeBron never wins a ring? #
  • How sad is it that for the past two days I've had to double check to make sure I was wearing matching shoes? #
  • Burrrrrrrrrrrrito!!!! (@ Chipotle w/ 2 others) http://4sq.com/cZIQjL #
  • On hot days like today I really hate pants. #
  • @Inkblot I know that I don't need pants. Especially on sweltering, hot days. I'm going to start coming to work in either chaps or a barrel. in reply to Inkblot #

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