Note: If you’re looking for any of my weird Easter candy eating, try this post – I Want Candy! I Want Candy! at None More   Worthless.  Happy Easter!

I gotta stop playing video games. At least the type that are based on realistic war simulations. I’ve been playing Call of Duty 4 on the PS3 and Ace Combat 6 on the XBox 360.  Unfortunately it has been screwing with my dreams lately. Here’s a good for instance:

Last night, after playing Ace Combat 6 for a few hours, I had a dream involving Madonna’s private security force and a Coast Guard ship that had Keifer Sutherland on it.  The small boat was in trouble and was caught in a a pretty bad predicament in very dangerous and stormy waters. Madonna’s security team dispatched a helicopter to them since they were just outside some territory she owned.

The ship’s skipper was arguing with the security detail over the radio as lightning and rain came down. The winds were howling and whipping around the boat and the helicopter  overhead didn’t help.  For whatever reason the security team said they would only take the crew and not the skipper nor Jack Bauer. Sutherland was pissed. The skipper relented, fearing for his crew’s safety.

Well, before extracting the crew the security team boarded the boat and subdued Sutherland and the skipper. In order to make sure ‘Jack Bauer’ couldn’t do anything should he somehow survive, the bent him over a table and stretched out his arms. They then took a large knife and sliced it at the elbow. Then they put bullets in the back of the skipper and Bauer’s head. The crew was rescued and brought to safety.

Ugh. Maybe it was the mushroom-swiss hamburger I had for dinner.