A few interesting things happened this weekend and they all seem intertwined with one another. Let’s take things chronologically:

  1. WebLizard tells me that she and her husband will be in North Carolina this weekend. She also wonders if I’d like to go out to lunch with them. Yay! Familiar faces! We exchange cell phone numbers and make a date to meet at 11:30 on Sunday at Southpoint to go to a restaurant named “Rockfish”.
  2. Over the past week I’ve been getting call backs for other interviews down here in North Carolina. Evidently, having a local email address means a lot. After initial phone conversations with three different companies all of us agree to talk again next week and that they could contact me via cell phone
  3. Angela buys me a new kick ass cell phone, the Cingular 8525. In order to get a really spiffy deal she has to have the phone activated in Northern Virginia. The drawback? That nullifies service to my phone. Angela FedEx’s the phone to me on Saturday and the soonest I’ll be able to get it will be Tuesday.
  4. I feel completely lost without my cell phone. I’m used to checking my mail on my cell. I normally use it to talk throughout the day. I use it as another watch and an alarm clock.
  5. Angela tells me that I need to copy my phone numbers from my SIM to my phone so that I could reverse the process onto my new SIM when my phone arrives. After I did it, I discovered that several phone numbers that I had stored were erased. Argh.
  6. I call WebLizard on her cell phone on Sunday and…she doesn’t answer. Doh! I roll the dice and let her know that I’m going to meet her at the place and time we had originally agreed to
  7. I get to the restaurant on time. Yep. 11:30 it is. Sure is. Yep. Sign on the door says it doesn’t open until 12. I have no way to contact WebLizard because, like a boob, I left my cell phone with her number in it at home.
  8. I hang out. Time passes. It is 11:55. Finally, an employee comes out of the restaurant and tells me that WebLizard called and said that she is running late. Awww. Such nice people. I decide to go shopping while I wait.
  9. I had a great time with WebLizard and her husband! Good food! Good company! Dang it. Good bye. We had a nice lunch and conversation but it just seems too short. Maybe because I miss home and they’re wonderful, familiar faces from Northern Virginia.
  10. I do a little bit of shopping and then I head home. I reach for my cell phone to tell Angela about my lunch. Doh!

I never realized how much I rely on that damn thing.

Oh, and today I had to do laundry. This was the first time that I had to do laundry at the apartment complex. I made sure to do it EARLY in the morning so I wouldn’t have to deal with other residents. One wash cost $1.25, one dryer cost $1.25. Guess who didn’t have enough quarters?