
The Results Are In: F* January

Written by Puzzlehead, in Family, Farley

I’m going to give the tl;dr (too long; didn’t read) first for everyone before I get into this post so that if you want to stop reading you’ll at least get the gist of what I’m going through. So far, the month of January – spanning the past decade or so – has decidedly delivered […]

It’s my ‘birthday’ but my heart’s still broken

Written by Puzzlehead, in Farley, Relationships

It was one year ago today that I had my operation related to my heart attack. For all intents and purposes I consider today an unofficial ‘birthday’ because I’ve been given a second chance at life. During that year I’ve been able to reflect on what’s important to me, do things I normally wouldn’t and […]

Happy Birthday, Farley!

Written by Puzzlehead, in Farley

My best friend is also the closest thing to being my son. It’s my dog, Farley. Today he celebrates his 15th birthday. Some people would equate that to being approximately 105 human years but he’ll always simply be a puppy to me. If I was still in contact with my ex-wife (and if she didn’t […]

Laying Down With Dogs

Written by Puzzlehead, in Family, Farley, General

As I write this I am laying down on the floor with one of my dogs, Farley, trying to get some sleep. When I originally started to write this post it was when I would try to sleep in my office with Tobey. After the devastating loss of my little giant I find myself sleeping […]